Tuesday, March 27, 2012


It is quite entertaining the moves this kid pulls during his naps or nighttime slumbers! He always seems to move around more when he is not in his own crib. He started this nap at the other end of the pack n play laying vertical not horizontal.

This kid is such a good sleeper I could care less how he sleeps!

We got to go visit Sar and Greg and their adorable girls recently! Hallie was just about a week old. Kam is such a sweet big sis. Little Miss Hallie made Kason look like a big boy.

Kason LOVES to eat...He occasionally has a slight panic attack when his food is gone.

Another recent first...Kason is able to sit in shopping carts and in high chairs at restaurants. Now that he can sit in the high chairs at restaurants, we have a little guy who wants to grab and eat whatever is in his line of sight, as well as beg for the food we are eating.

Love that he loves to snuggle!

Sitting up like a BIG BOY!

Working on his "crawling moves," aka plank holds. These plank holds turn into nose dives as he lunges himself forward in an effort to move toward his designated target! My baby is going to be crawling soon; not quite sure if I'm ready for it.

This is what he is obviously working toward!

1 comment:

Greg and Sarah said...

He can do a better push up then me!!! He is so adorabe and it was so fun to see you guys last week. Thanks again for coming down!!! xoxo