Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Seven Months

Our little Kase man turned 7 months! I am pretty sure each post I say how fast the time goes...well is really does fly by! I would still say Kason is pretty small, but between months 6 and 7 I have seen some more chub on him...and I LOVE IT! He needs to get all squishy and rolly polly before swimsuit season, seriously! (side thought: why is it the opposite for adults, ugh!)

Some of my favorite things over the last month have been:
  • Kason getting some more chub (as mentioned above)
  • His constant noises and babbling (he says "dada" all the time) of course doesn't know what he is saying yet. But Josh loves to ask him who his favorite person is, usually getting "dada" in response
  • He is trying all sorts of new foods and loves to eat
  • Kason usually plays, chats, rolls around in his crib for about 15-20 minutes after his nap
  • He continues to happily sit in his car seat at crossfit everyday so I can workout
  • His attempts to crawl, which usually look more like a bear crawl or a plank hold (a work in progress)
  • The sounds he makes when he is dead asleep
  • He still loves to cuddle
  • He grabs everything in sight, especially faces, hair and jewelry
  • He has become much more stable sitting up but still has his occasional bumps and falls

1 comment:

Whitney said...

So jealous you have a cuddler. Max will not cuddle, although he does give cute slobbery kisses. Kason is getting so big. Love the cute little rolls.